It's me again, today writing to you as your resident AGU Voices for Science policy fellow. There are several environmental justice and climate bills in the MA House and Senate that need support before the legislative session ends tomorrow.
Here is a short factsheet the environmental justice bills, and some additional background put out by the Conservation Law Foundation as well. To see if your rep is already supporting these you can check here for Senate, and here for House. The bills are both pending before the respective Ways and Means Committees so please email the committee chairs to ask them to report favorably. Their emails are: [email protected] and [email protected] And here is info on the House version of the climate bill which was released last night. It is being debated this afternoon so this is all very last minute. For ease of use here is an action guide put out by Climate Action Now. However you may have other climate priorities that differ from theirs so here is the full list of amendments as well in case you want to ask your rep to co-sponsor additional items. Please contact your legislators if you get the chance!
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Hi, I'm Shaina! This is my blog covering my research on climate modeling, Antarctica, and other science related interests. Archives
February 2024